Gender dimension in research projects
The integration of the gender dimension in research and innovation is an added value in terms of excellence, creativity and opportunities. It helps research teams to question gender norms and stereotypes, rethink established standards and create reference models. In addition, it contributes to an in-depth understanding of gender needs, behaviour and attitudes.
The European Commission has provided specific regulatory guidance in the form of political agendas which RRI has to follow. One of these agendas focuses on gender equality, taking two aspects into account:
- Gender balance in research teams: Promoting gender balance will be understood at all levels: not just inside teams but also in the management structures of the institutions taking part in research projects, with a balanced participation, the fairest possible between women and men.
- Integrating the gender aspect into the research and innovation contents: Integrating gender/sex analyses into research and innovation content helps to improve the scientific quality and social relevance of the knowledge, technology and/or innovation produced, according to data from the European Commission. This integration refers to taking account of the gender/sex variable in research development, as well as its impact, communication and dissemination.
Gender at the University of Girona
The University of Girona has a firm commitment to the value of equal opportunities and the fight against all discrimination based on gender.
As a result of this commitment and at the request of the Women and Science Commission of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia in 2007, the governing council of the UdG approved the creation of the Gender Equality Commission to work for the promotion, consolidation and projection of the gender perspective across all areas of work, study, teaching and research of the institution.
- UdG Gender Equality Plan: CA | EN | ES
- How to implement gender equality in RRI Toolkit
- Gender in Research as Mark of excellence (Yellow Window poject)
- Gender dimension in Horizon Europe
- A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025
- Toolkit gender in EU-funded research
- Gendered innovations: How inclusive analysis contributes to research and innovation